Travel board Bag to Borrow/Rent/Buy

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Moderator: windybeach

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Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:56 pm

Travel board Bag to Borrow/Rent/Buy

Postby supersurf89 » Mon Mar 31, 2014 9:08 pm

Hi all,

Myself and a few other guys are off on a weeks trip to Portugal next week, our plans for getting the sticks over there have fallen through. Really dont want to give Sleazy Jet anymore money so if anyone has a board bag/coffin that can hold 2/3 7"3 boards that would be amazing. Quite happy to bung you some cash and promise to look after it!

Message me on here or Call me on 07874073780.

Leaving Sat 5th April.

Cheers in advance!

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