SAS Valentines Cards

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Moderator: windybeach

Posts: 27
Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:25 pm

SAS Valentines Cards

Postby BrightonSASRep » Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:27 pm

Valentine’s Day POW ACTION

ACTION: This Valentine’s day, why not shun Hallmark’s commercial demands and simply send your significant other, flirtatious friends and even your bromance one of our free Protect Our Waves petition Valentine E-cards remainders.

We’ve got POW Valentine messages ranging from the outrageously risqué, to sickly sweet. Be proud to help protect the waves we all love.

ACTION: Download these fun POW Valentine’s images HERE - (copy, save and share far and wide.)

ACTION: Tag, tweet and email your female (and/or male) across Facebook, twitter and your address book.

ACTION: Remember to make sure you’ve signed Protect Our Waves petition ( ).

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