Soldiers Surf - SUP Trashed my board

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Re: Soldiers Surf - SUP Trashed my board

Postby Tomdiddlybomb » Fri Nov 20, 2015 5:15 pm

depends how you define big, but I've not surfed waves much over head height this side of the isle of wight, but I digress...
nah I get your point, I just think being polite the first time round might be all it takes
of course repeat offenders should get shouted at, but that won't make them listen

funnily enough SUPs are more welcome inside the harbour than 'proper' surfers
they're allowed to paddle between breaks whereas we technically aren't

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Re: Soldiers Surf - SUP Trashed my board

Postby Graywig » Sat Nov 21, 2015 7:53 pm

We can all find a water disapline we dont like but hay thats just life... So when we surfers decide to ware a chip on their shoulder as a badge of honour you sound like an arse... (Blueboard "yeah I like a bit of agro to keep people in orda" - what comes next keying somebodies car, smashing a window to maka ya point - shut up you b*llend).

We can all be foolish, miss-timing a wave, loose balance or being a leeshless wanker. Now I short board and SUP - I love both, I dont longboard (personal choice, the buggers for years nicking all the waves at my old break Saunton. So SUP boards were great, could sit further out and nick the longbaords wave)!

We all find canoeists annoying or kite surfers/wind surfers riding through a surfing line up - we call can find reasons to groan and moan.... except canoeists they really should be shot....

1. There is no excuse for lack of etiquette in the water - the chap who damaged the man's board should pay - The board DR does a fair price, no BS so if thats the price, your fault, you damage somebodies board you pay and it doesn't matter what board you ride. The fella on the SUP be a man, get in contact with the chap and offer to pay at least half.
2. We have a crowded spot so rather than being an asshole about it just share - my comment is for all those on logs, short boards and fellow SUPPERS who nick every wave, never giving anybody else a change - if you read this post - you know who you are!
3. Inexperience - from people on Longboards, shortboards, sup boards, canoeists - ok, so there is a 65+ old fella on a silver Starboard SUP (not talking about Jock) in the harbour who looks like captain birdseye and will run you over - OK - get out of the man's way he has zero control. He's taken me out a few times, but I trully hope to still be doing this at 65! Equally at bumholes I've seen short boards take each other out - sometimes handbags at dawny othertimes a smile a hand up to apolgise between the two. It gets busy but if your inexperienced be willing to watch and learn and wise enough to appreciate that option.

So drop that chip on the shoulder, step outside the shallow end of the gene pool and try biting your tongue don't be a douch, instead offer some friendly advice, "hay if you close you legs you'll get less drag on your take off' or 'you'd have got that one, you just mistimed it a bit' etc etc - We can all learn, we can all be more respectful in the line up, share and chat.

Now i'm off to go and find my moral high SUP and ride off on it!

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Re: Soldiers Surf - SUP Trashed my board

Postby Bluebeard » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:47 pm

if you weren't on a longboard at Saunton what were you surfing there before your SUP?

Sure if someone drops in on you or gets in the way or vice versa then always a thumbs up or quick sorry is best, whether you know them well or not and I don't advocate keying/damaging someones car nor would I suggest things getting physical. Aggro to me doesn't mean things kicking off it just means letting people know when they're being kooks or being a danger to themselves and others.

Prevention is better than cure as they say.

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Re: Soldiers Surf - SUP Trashed my board

Postby Graywig » Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:03 pm

The short board of choice at Saunton or here is my little Bear - Tight arsed wombat - god I love that board, fast, agile, forgiving - BB you make a valid point, about the unwary or inexperienced - we all have to pay our dues, get wiped out, drown duck diving, drown getting barrelled - etc etc.

I remember when Great Orman street hospital took kids to surf, or the Army and the injured Vets at Saunton just very humbling experiences - think we have a bad day, bad surf, or somebody gets in our way, try walking, crawling or wheeling in their shoes - the waves are for everybody - patience is the key.

I really do feel for the fella who started this thread AND I really hope the offender has offered some cash to pay for repair ....

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Re: Soldiers Surf - SUP Trashed my board

Postby shredhead » Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:04 pm

Graywig wrote:The short board of choice at Saunton or here is my little Bear - Tight arsed wombat - god I love that board, fast, agile, forgiving.

That's 4 of us with wombats around here. It's as near to a one board quiver I've ever had. And durable - none of my many dings have been incurred by running anyone else over.

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