If you were the guy who ran over my gf in the harbour.

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If you were the guy who ran over my gf in the harbour.

Postby theHemsley » Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:48 pm

If you were the guy that ran over my girlfriend in the harbour today I thought you should know that you have wrecked her board with fin gashes from the rail to the stringer. Let's just say it's lucky that's all that got damaged! You might want to apologise next time you see her.

Be careful out there people, it's a crowded little spot we have, let's not get anyone hurt or worse!

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Re: If you were the guy who ran over my gf in the harbour.

Postby RIC9 » Wed Oct 08, 2014 11:52 am

Sorry to hear that Johnny, not good at all. Hope she get's that apology at least. Rich (and Susannah)

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Re: If you were the guy who ran over my gf in the harbour.

Postby Tomdiddlybomb » Thu Oct 09, 2014 6:31 pm

along the same sort of lines, if you're the muppet in the harbour mouth who bailed his board and let it hit me in the head, at least look behind next time, or better still hold on to it...
and also sorry to the guy who I was constantly getting in the way of :oops:
*edit* realise that sounded like I was accusing the person who started the thread, not what I meant :roll:

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Re: If you were the guy who ran over my gf in the harbour.

Postby Sharkbait » Mon Mar 09, 2015 1:44 pm

Should be some swell this weekend. Hopefully!
Image Killin' it since 1998

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